At Tsholetso Projects, we recognisethe impact that our activities can have on people and the environment. Safety, health and protection of the environment form an integral part of our planning and decision making. We manage our company, wherever we do business, in an ethical way that strikes an appropriate and well-reasoned balance between economic, social and environmental needs. We expect our employees and service providers, to take personal responsibility to embrace this ambition in all of our day-to-day activities.
Our goal is to eliminate incidents, minimiserisk, responsibly manage environmental impacts and enable excellence in operations and business performance while providing a workplace that takes into account the safety and wellbeing of our people and service providers.
We are committed to:
- Conducting our business with respect and care for people and the environment
- Responsible utilisation of natural resources, especially our water
- Consistently demonstrating visible and active leadership with employees and service providers
- Promoting dialogue with stakeholders about
SHE matters and performance
We believe that BEE is an integral driver of economic and social transformation in South Africa and therefore an integral part of our business. Tsholetso Projects is therefore committed to align it’s business in the workplace and in society with the national transformation agenda.
We strive to be a leading corporate citizen by recruiting and selecting local employees, investing in talent development, skills training and employee upliftment-crucial to localizing employment.
We further view our investment in our own human capital as a strategic initiative, that will give us a competitive advantage and ensure the long-term sustainability of our business, Our employees are given the opportunity to participate in skills development and training programmes, mentorship and career planning to ensure growth.
Tsholetso Projects views its responsibility to help bring about the economic empowerment of historically disadvantaged South-Africans, especially women, as integral to being a good corporate citizen and a truly South African company.
We therefore are committed to the creation and development of an enabling environment for effective BEE within our company. Our commitment to invest, develop, support and avail opportunities for the growth of and development of black SME’s has seen a tangible commitment from our company of over 60% of our procurement spend being directed at this sector and which continues to grow year on year.
At Tsholetso Projects we recognisethat the success of our company relies on a climate of economic and social prosperity.
We are guided by the principle “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fishand you feed him for a lifetime.”
Our programs are aimed at leaving a lasting impact on those we encounter.
At the core of belief is upliftmentand empowerment, through education.
Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”
Our Corporate Social Investment initiatives are therefore geared towards promoting excellence in education.
We also strive to promote engineering as a profession to previously disenfranchised individuals. In a society where the engineering sector is still predominantly male dominated, we have made a commitment to support excelling black female students who seek to pursue a career in engineering.
The company offers an internship program to help young individuals kick start their career.